Chaplaincy Essay
Richard W Nash, ND,MS, BS, CNLP
As a caseworker in the public sector and as a counselor in private practice, I had referred many people to their ministers and or a Chaplin if they did not have one. My first real experience with a Chaplin on the receiving end was 26 years ago when my son was born with a congenital heart defect and he and I were rushed from Baylor Hospital to Children’s Medical Center for emergency care and possible open heart surgery. While he was back with the physicians, a Chaplin came to see me. He was well dressed, articulate and almost died that day. He told me that this was an event in which God was testing my wife and I, that we needed to be strong, and this was a direct result of something we had done and must atone for. We were on an upper floor of the hospital and I could not open the window to throw him out. When the window did not open I suggested he leave before I lost my temper and did something we both would regret. Shortly after he left, somewhat shaking in his shoes, my pastor arrived. A small quiet little man who loved to climb mountains. He walked me through my anger, helped me refocus on my son and my wife who was still at Baylor. Truly he was a gift from God that day. My son made it through and today is a healthy 26 year old, who has his BS in Comparative World Religions from the University of Texas.
I have always believed that my call was to work with people in crisis and the gifts that the Creator gave me have allowed me to do that. My personal ministry was working with people and families in crisis. I did this for 30 plus years then let my licenses go, and tried a quiet isolated life. It became quickly apparent to me that God had other plans. I kept running into people, some I knew, others complete strangers, who would start to talk to me. After many months of praying and discussions with my peers, I entered this program.
As a Chaplin, I will me able to serve as needed in emergency situations, continue to comfort families and use the gifts that were given to me by the Creator. Frank FoolsCrow talked about becoming the clean hollow bone through which the Creator would work. This is what I have always done and will continue to do. As I observed through my old pastor, he was just himself. I am actively involved with interfaith work in Dallas where we discover we have much more in common than we have in differences. It is in this arena I plan to take my Chaplaincy, voice and what energy I have left in my life. The Native Peoples refer to this as following “The Great Mystery” and I believe this is the basis of true faith. On this plain of existence, we never will have the complete answer, it is faith alone that keeps us going. I pray to the the hollow bone and to be used as directed, not my me but by the Creator of us all.
This course is a solid overview of the basics of counseling, listening, self care, types of prayer and history and duties of the Chaplin. I found the following of benefit:
Lesson One: The present day use of Chaplin's was very helpful.
Lesson Two This was a sound way to verify your call to a higher service.
Lesson Three This once caused a lot of reflexion and prayer.
Lessons on the Chapel were informative.
Lesson Eleven I have found over the years that grief is at the core of most of peoples issues and grief is layered and mixed so that it is
hard to grieve for one person or issue without it being attached to other unresolved or unfinished grief from the past which
overshadows or infects the new wound. I have used NLP techniques to help separate the griefs into smaller more
manageable issues.
Lesson Fifteen I carry a small bag of different shaped and colored rocks which I use to help people visualize their problems and to see the
connections to all of the events going on in their life. With each rock representing an issue, problem or loss, they can see the
bigger picture , move the rocks around as their prospective changes, and this helps their prayers become more focused.
I have enclosed a picture of for consideration. 
Lesson Eighteen Among those who care for others there is a real problem of “burn-out”. There is some research into what is now being called
“Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder”. This is the result of being witness to the trauma of others on a regular basis. In a
nuclear power plant workers have badges which let them keep track of their radiation levels. As we work with people during
the worst times of their life, it can take a toll. Taking care of one-self is so important, and this lesson addressed it well. The
Cherokee healers wash their hands and arms seven times after each ritual. Other groups may smudge themselves. Whatever
your faith tradition, it is important to cleanse yourself prior to and after preforming a sacred act and to provide yourself the time
to heal, even Jesus required rest.
Lesson Nineteen, The toolbox was very helpful, a traveling office and the tools of the trade. I now carry a a small Bible, a copy of the Prophet
by Kahlil Gibran, The Tao Te Ching, Wisdom Keepers and a few others.
Lesson Twenty I am currently in daily prayer, am fasting weekly, and am at the will and call of the Great Mystery. I will go where I am sent;
work with whomever comes to me or the Spirit leads me to; strive to be the hollow bone where I am but a tool for the Gods
Blessings to flow; and to never have anyone want to throw me out of a window.
The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have various classes in Christianity, one on Wicca, along with several Pagan courses, more than a few courses about Metaphysics with more being added regularly.
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The ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies. I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and am proud to have started the Seminary.
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