Chaplaincy Studies
Lesson 4 ~ Where One Ministers
By: Trent Murman
Military chaplains have been attached to the military combat units in every branch of the services: Air Force, Army and Navy which incorporates the US Marine corps and US Coast Guard. As we previously learned most religious denominations are represented by the chaplains attached to the US Military. As a veteran of the US Navy I did have the pleasure of meeting and knowing several military chaplains. The chaplains are responsible for maintaining religious training and/or guidance to the troops during peace time and war time. Chaplains have are highly qualified in the social norms of many religious sects including even those Atheists and must be able not to judge anyone regarding his/her own beliefs. People come to the chaplains for guidance, absolution, comfort and a great listening entity for anyone who just wishes to talk. Off the battle fields chaplains may be called on to deliver or assist in delivering news of a death to a military members family. They may be asked to perform weddings, baptisms, christenings or regular church sermons, after all we are all ministers of God. Chaplains of the Presbyterian faith are a definite asset to the military services as are all denominations. We are all here for the ultimate honor….to help our fellow man.
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