May 1, 2018 Posting for Forum
This is part of my Lesson 1 in Masters' of Chaplaincy Studies. I felt it was so important that by answering the three (3) questions, I not only learned important things about Chaplaincy; I realized it is an important, lifelong responsibility for a Chaplain- for ME! – to keep on learning about ALL the Faiths & be part of the Community- to be present at activities of the different faiths to be KNOWN to be of best use.
First, I have to say when I got ordained, I was on a mission- it wasn't to officiate a wedding (I keep trying to convince people to do so or at least have a Handfasting – a commitment of a year and a day!) I wanted to DO something MORE!
I saw Chaplaincy Studies & went right through to seminary courses – no that wasn't it! So I looked up the word Chaplain because I really didn't know what they were! That's right I looked in the dictionary! Satisfied I signed up- still needing a reality check, a chaplain is not a mystical creature like a unicorn- I only found this out through the Chaplaincy Study & Comparative Religion.
A- Short paragraph or two on what I know of Chaplains-
Well I confess I had to look up the word to personally learn if this was something I could commit to. What I did know or thought I knew was that a chaplain was Christian, mostly Catholic and I thought a chaplain being another word for Deacon, which I equate with Protestantism. You also don't have to be ordained either as a deacon- but having the "Call" I was blessed a deacon by Father Newbury during my foray as an Episcopalian.
I was to go to the hospital in Fathers' stead especially if I knew the person or family requesting "Spiritual Care". Episcopalian's do laying on of hands, and I am especially blessed in that area. I have worked closely with Cancer patients. My specialty is Pain Management, some shrinkage of tumors AND people become "Lucid", come out of comas to talk with me! More EXTREME miracles have happened and are documented because they were "Impossibilities"!
B- Does my Faith group have chaplains?-
In my Spiritual forays I've never come across one!
C- What is your view of chaplains and their role is society today? – My view is that the role of chaplains today is so important! More important than I ever thought and more important than ever before. It seems to be the way – my way to world peace and harmony.
Now, more than ever, I accept the commitment for the undertaking of teaching and sharing with others the importance of understanding other Faiths and Ethnicities; by learning to accept each other for who we are – even if our beliefs and traditions differ. What people don't understand, they fear! Moreover, not being understood is even SCARIER!
I loved finding out that St Francis of Assisi, was essentially a chaplain. That's my favorite prayer. No matter what the Belief/Faith system is – it says it all!
The most important part of the prayer is when He says;
"Lord make me a channel of Thy Peace-- that where there is hatred, I may bring Love—that where there is wrong, I may bring Harmony—that where there is error, I may bring Truth—that where there is doubt, I may bring Faith—that where there is despair, I may bring Hope—that where there are shadows, I may bring Light—that where there is sadness, I may bring Joy."
"Lord, grant that I may seek to Comfort—rather than be comforted—to Understand, than be understood—to Love, -- than to be loved."
"For it is by Self-forgetting that one Finds and it is by Forgiving that one is Forgiven.
This is the role of the chaplain, my role; today and ALWAYS!
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