Lesson 7 credit,
I have a place to use for chaplaincy. In our church we have sanctuary and a gym both are set up for church or meetings i just need to pick a time and day. now on with lesson 7 a wedding ceremony this is for semi-formal weddings before god we have come together today for marriage is one of the most sacred of his wishes, and now through me he joins you together in one of the holiest bonds. let us bow our heads in prayer. o lord hear our prayer for his name and her name who today are united in marriage before you give them your blessing and always strengthen their love for each other amen.
May the bride and groom face each other hand in hand i ask you his name do you take her name for your lawfully wedded wife to love and cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, then bride repeats same at this point the couple will exchange rings. to each one as you place the ring on their finger with this ring I thee wed, repeate after me, with this ring I thee wed. may you always share with each other the gifts of love and be one in heart and always beautiful of mind. and may you always create a home together that puts in your hearts, love, generosity, and kindness. They turn around and face the guest what therefore god has joined together let not man put asunder. and by the power vested in me by all mighty god and our lord and savior jesus christ, i now pronounce you as husband wife. You may now kiss the bride.
Good morning all bless you who comes in the name of the lord. let us pray,dear lord we come come to your throne of grace, that you touch our lives and our hearts so that your words will penetrate into today's message. this morning please anoint with the power of your word so that we can share for your glory and honor amen. candle lighting, we have candle lighting on two occasions, on Christmas eve and during the week of Christmas. 3 purple 1 white 1 pink the white to be lit last. Speaking of lite the ushers will pass out these keychain lights so you may give them to somebody and tell them you are the lite of the world.
Now a service,what are you doing? What are you about? Good morning, I ask you one question-do you love god-know him as your friend-do you talk to him praise him, thank him everyday of your life,in the book of Ephesians are you a faithful chiles of god sealed with the holy spirit of promise. guaranteeing your inheritance, I want you to look on both side of you and tell them i love you. do you mean it. the bible says to greet one another with a holy kiss, well not do that. earlier i ask what are you doing, what are you about.
Let me tell you a story of a young boy 12 years of age the young was boy boy was traveling to jerusalem for the passover spending the day ,his parents headed back to nazareth not knowing the bow was left behind. his parents could not find him, they ask all around but he was not to be found, so his parents headed back to jerusalem and found him on the steps,teaching the elders, when his parents ask him why have you worried us so he answered , didn't you know I would be about my fathers business. again i ask you, what are you doing about your fathers business. are you enduring the trials or pain and persecutions of this world. to accomplish his will in your life. Jesus was at the time dividing the word of truth teaching the scriptures, he did what he saw his father doing all good things turning lives around he gave his life so others could live. it was always about others and not himself people it doesn't matter where you have been, what you have done or what you have been through, remember i can do all things through christ who strenghs me. what is Jesus will for your life? To present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to god. be not conformed to this world, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, we are to hold back nothing giving ourselves completely, we live our life daily for him, ask daily what we can do for him, and pray without ceaseing. 5 years ago i was in a near death car wreck broke my hip my left shoulder gave me a drop foot messed up a stem in my head, amd my sciotic nerve, thanks be to god they told me it would take me uo to 8 years to fully recover I am in my 5th year and taking seminary going on to be a chaplain. greater is he that is in the world. i am walking talking and doing just fine. for several days while i in a hospital I was full of hate untill i read 90 minutes in heaven-it changed my life i went back to all the doctors and staff to tell them i was sorry for the way i treated them. after our closing song if you wish to come to the alter please feel free to do so. Let us pray, thank you father for your presence at this service, thank you for your word guide us and direct us in all we do thank you lord for your many blessings and keeping us safe so we can once again come and worship you. in Christ name we pray - amen.
now a benediction, now the god of hope fill you with all joy peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the holy spirit. amen offeratory may the ushers please come foward, let us pray, remembering the lords words blessed to give than to receive,dear lord the ushers may not have danced up the aisles like david danced up the steps of the temple long ago but we pray that real joy may accompany our giving may we give back a portion of you have giving us, amen another prayer
dear lord the time has come, o-lord for us to leave this place, guide us and protect us and lead in thy way wherver life may take us as we go our separate ways may the peace of god the father and the love of jesus christ his son guide us in the days ahead and strengthen us each one,may the blessing of the holy spirit fill us from within, may god bless you and return us once to the fellowship of our lord. a-men end of lesson 7
I have a place to use for chaplaincy. In our church we have sanctuary and a gym both are set up for church or meetings i just need to pick a time and day. now on with lesson 7 a wedding ceremony this is for semi-formal weddings before god we have come together today for marriage is one of the most sacred of his wishes, and now through me he joins you together in one of the holiest bonds. let us bow our heads in prayer. o lord hear our prayer for his name and her name who today are united in marriage before you give them your blessing and always strengthen their love for each other amen.
May the bride and groom face each other hand in hand i ask you his name do you take her name for your lawfully wedded wife to love and cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, then bride repeats same at this point the couple will exchange rings. to each one as you place the ring on their finger with this ring I thee wed, repeate after me, with this ring I thee wed. may you always share with each other the gifts of love and be one in heart and always beautiful of mind. and may you always create a home together that puts in your hearts, love, generosity, and kindness. They turn around and face the guest what therefore god has joined together let not man put asunder. and by the power vested in me by all mighty god and our lord and savior jesus christ, i now pronounce you as husband wife. You may now kiss the bride.
Good morning all bless you who comes in the name of the lord. let us pray,dear lord we come come to your throne of grace, that you touch our lives and our hearts so that your words will penetrate into today's message. this morning please anoint with the power of your word so that we can share for your glory and honor amen. candle lighting, we have candle lighting on two occasions, on Christmas eve and during the week of Christmas. 3 purple 1 white 1 pink the white to be lit last. Speaking of lite the ushers will pass out these keychain lights so you may give them to somebody and tell them you are the lite of the world.
Now a service,what are you doing? What are you about? Good morning, I ask you one question-do you love god-know him as your friend-do you talk to him praise him, thank him everyday of your life,in the book of Ephesians are you a faithful chiles of god sealed with the holy spirit of promise. guaranteeing your inheritance, I want you to look on both side of you and tell them i love you. do you mean it. the bible says to greet one another with a holy kiss, well not do that. earlier i ask what are you doing, what are you about.
Let me tell you a story of a young boy 12 years of age the young was boy boy was traveling to jerusalem for the passover spending the day ,his parents headed back to nazareth not knowing the bow was left behind. his parents could not find him, they ask all around but he was not to be found, so his parents headed back to jerusalem and found him on the steps,teaching the elders, when his parents ask him why have you worried us so he answered , didn't you know I would be about my fathers business. again i ask you, what are you doing about your fathers business. are you enduring the trials or pain and persecutions of this world. to accomplish his will in your life. Jesus was at the time dividing the word of truth teaching the scriptures, he did what he saw his father doing all good things turning lives around he gave his life so others could live. it was always about others and not himself people it doesn't matter where you have been, what you have done or what you have been through, remember i can do all things through christ who strenghs me. what is Jesus will for your life? To present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to god. be not conformed to this world, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, we are to hold back nothing giving ourselves completely, we live our life daily for him, ask daily what we can do for him, and pray without ceaseing. 5 years ago i was in a near death car wreck broke my hip my left shoulder gave me a drop foot messed up a stem in my head, amd my sciotic nerve, thanks be to god they told me it would take me uo to 8 years to fully recover I am in my 5th year and taking seminary going on to be a chaplain. greater is he that is in the world. i am walking talking and doing just fine. for several days while i in a hospital I was full of hate untill i read 90 minutes in heaven-it changed my life i went back to all the doctors and staff to tell them i was sorry for the way i treated them. after our closing song if you wish to come to the alter please feel free to do so. Let us pray, thank you father for your presence at this service, thank you for your word guide us and direct us in all we do thank you lord for your many blessings and keeping us safe so we can once again come and worship you. in Christ name we pray - amen.
now a benediction, now the god of hope fill you with all joy peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the holy spirit. amen offeratory may the ushers please come foward, let us pray, remembering the lords words blessed to give than to receive,dear lord the ushers may not have danced up the aisles like david danced up the steps of the temple long ago but we pray that real joy may accompany our giving may we give back a portion of you have giving us, amen another prayer
dear lord the time has come, o-lord for us to leave this place, guide us and protect us and lead in thy way wherver life may take us as we go our separate ways may the peace of god the father and the love of jesus christ his son guide us in the days ahead and strengthen us each one,may the blessing of the holy spirit fill us from within, may god bless you and return us once to the fellowship of our lord. a-men end of lesson 7
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