Saturday, January 29, 2011

Become a Chaplain

Master of Chaplaincy Studies Lesson 7‏

I interviewed a local chaplain of a nursing home. He gave me details of his ministry that included conducting weekly services, visitation, bible study and grievance counseling to family members and nursing home patients. He said that he enjoyed it very much but the hardest part was he had to learn to deal with was losing patients, because he developed a close relationship with all the patients and staff.  He encouraged me to look toward the same type of ministry and I am praying that God will lead to what path I should take.

Martin A


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have various classes in Christianity, one on Wicca, along with several Pagan courses, more than a few courses about Metaphysics with more being added regularly.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, legal and lasts for life, so please take advantage of our Free Online Ordination.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and am proud to have started the Seminary.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chaplaincy Studies

 Master of Chaplaincy Studies
Rev. Terry Rempel
 What a wonderful and interesting course. Rev. Dan Moore is an amazing person. Not only is he very knowledgeable with matters dealing with the chaplaincy but I also found him very spiritual. A lot of times it wasn't what he said but the way in which he said it. If he writes any more courses I'm certainly going to be taking them. I learned a lot from taking this course.

 What I really like about the chaplaincy is its ecumenical approach. Although I'm a Christian I've always considered myself a very tolerant and ecumenical Christian. When I first considered taking the Master of Chaplaincy Studies course I had always thought that Chaplains were mostly all Christian and were all Pastors and Ministers of some sort. I was surprised to find that there are many Chaplains that embrace other faiths besides Christianity and I think that's just great. In this intolerant world that we live in today I think that what the world needs today is more Chaplains.

 A Chaplain is certainly a Unique Minister as Rev. Dan suggests. People today are always on the go (some would say going nowhere fast). People change careers, move to different cities, go to war, go on vacation etc.,etc. A Chaplain has to be a very creative type of Minister. Not only does He have to serve people that seem to be always moving, but He has to serve people that are of a different faith than his own. This requires a level of tolerance and creativity that a normal Minister in a Church setting might never face. A Chaplain is basically a servant of God. There will always be hurting people and where there is hurting people that is where the Unique Ministry of the Chaplaincy should be.

 Chaplains are people that are called to this unique type of Ministry. They have come to a stage in their lives when they want more than just the material or the face value so to speak. This usually happens even before the person is born, although we might not realize it until much later in life.The Bible speaks of God calling you even while in the womb. Rev. Dan calls this the Mark of the Divine, which is basically a hunger for something more, something bigger than physical life. Basically it is a desire or hunger for God as you understand Him or Her at your stage in your spiritual journey.

 The Chaplain has to be a good listener, an objective listener. A Chaplain should have a thirst for knowledge not only spiritual knowledge but also worldly knowledge. He or She should have a child like curiosity about everything in life, being a life long student should be one of their goals. Also reading 1 Timothy and Titus (Bible) periodically to remind us that Chaplains,Ministers, etc., should be faithful, have good character, be of good testimony, practice sound doctrine (must know his scriptures) and be able to teach (good communication skills). Finally, as Rev. Dan says the Chaplaincy is a Ministry of presence, it is as if God is present when the Chaplain is present.

 In this course I learned that trustworthiness, confidentiality, and compassion are a must. Chaplains/Ministers are called to a higher standard. Society also calls Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers etc., to a higher standard, but since Chaplains deal with the moral and God issue there higher standard is truly unique. Being a Chaplain is not for the faint of heart. It can sometimes be a very demanding profession as I've learned. A Chaplain deals with people when their at there worst. A Chaplain might receive a call at 3AM in the morning to accompany police officers to an accident scene. Or be asked to let family know that a child has been killed in an accident. Chaplains also have to be trustworthy, people have to be able to trust you, this will come only with time as you develop relationships and a good foundation of trust is built. Trust is built mostly by mouth control, knowing what to say and what to keep private. Quite simply Chaplains don,t gossip period. In the course it makes mention that information given to you belongs to the person giving the information. There are some legal Exceptions of course, but if you want to share information get permission first.

 The Chaplain Ministry I believe and I've learned should also be a ministry of healing. Human beings are social creatures and as social creatures touch is important for health and well being. This is also a scientific fact. There have been studies done with infant children that prove this. Newly born infant babies that are handled and touched fare a lot better than those that aren't. The healing touch is truly a miracle and I believe we all have this ability.Its all a matter of the intent behind the touch. Before leaving this paragraph on healing, I can't forget to mention the healing power of prayer. When the average person thinks of a Chaplain/Minister they think that here is an individual that has God with them more so than a non Chaplain/Minister. With this belief system in effect this puts the Chaplain in a unique situation where prayer can often be very effective. The power of belief is an awesome thing. Prayer should always be used in A Chaplains Ministry of healing. Don't forget though when healing occurs, God gets all the glory.

 I learned a lot in this course, but one thing I've learned is to know your physical limitations." Know thy self" is the old axiom. Chaplains I've learned can sometimes be very driven. This of course is very understandable, and a Chaplain should be motivated they are answering a very important call after all. The gist I got from one of the lessons in this course is that the spirit is willing but the flesh can sometime be weak. So with this in mind its important to always remember to take a rest from time to time. Take a day off, make sure to plan for and take vacations, also taking and occasional sabbatical might be a good idea. What it all boils down to is to "beware of burn out" as Rev. Dan says. You can't help others unless you help your self as well.

 I think what helped me most about this course was the way in which it was written. This not to say that there wasn't a lot of knowledgeable facts because there was. What I'm trying to say is that I could discern information spiritually more than just knowledgeably. This certainly made the course interesting. And to be honest I always anticipated my next lesson.

 This was an excellent course that I really enjoyed taking. The only thing that would improve on this otherwise excellent course I think would be more on counseling. Maybe an entire course alone could be written on this very important topic. I for one would certainly enjoy taking that course.

 I was asked at the end of this course what I hope to accomplish as a result of taking this course. The most obvious answer of course is I want to become a Chaplain. I'm a 50 year old Christian man who's experienced a lot in life (lots of ups and downs) and feel I have a lot to offer experience wise. I understand that as a Chaplain/Minister one has to be very knowledgeable about matters relating to life, but I also think that life experience is also critical. When you've been there and done that so to speak I believe its easier to relate to people and council and help them more efficiently. One of the reasons of me wanting to become a Chaplain at this stage in my life is because I've made a lot of mistakes through the years. If I could just help one person avoid some of the mistakes that I've made this would bring me great joy. To see peoples lives being changed for the better and on track again gives me a spiritual high and all I can say is praise God!

 Anyway as a way of ending this essay, I would just like to say, that whoever happens to read this would wish me good luck and pray for me.

Terry G. Rempel


The Universal Life Church, is free place to become ordained,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button to get started today.

The ULC Seminary was created to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. The  Universal Life Church has grown over the years and its Seminary has added the continual growth of the church.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chaplaincy Program

Religious ethics and Military Chaplaincy.
Colin Burgess C.D.C


Chaplains in the military have always played an important role in promoting the morale and well being of a nations soldiers.

A biblical example of chaplains in the military can be found in 1 Samuel. It was Samuels duty to offer the pre-war sacrifice in chapter 13 prior to Israel going to fight the Philistines. Saul in this case was rebuked by Samuel when he could wait no longer for Samuel to show up, and he took the duty upon himself.

Here is a demonstration of two offices, both clergy and the nations ruler, and how they are supposed to work together even though the procedure was not followed properly.
Ethics, or “moral philosophy”, could be defined as ideas of “right and wrong” that govern our choices.
In some cases ethics stem from our background or prejudices. For instance if I have gotten away with lying my whole life, and suffered no punishment for it, my ethics would not have been formed around the idea that lying is a problem. However being one who does not want to be stolen from, I have formed a personal ethic which many share, that since I don’t want to be stolen from, perhaps I should not steal from others.
Some people and cultures introduce a new set of ethics to their system through their politics, or through their theology. So now not only are these ethics personal, they are now corporate making all men and women equal under one set of rules.
The 10 commandments in Exodus 20:13 says “You shall not murder.”, everyone whether slave or free, man or woman, rich or poor is held accountable to this standard of not taking another person’s life.
Homosexuality is currently a hotly debated issue. The Bible, both Jewish and Christian, and the Quran have rules against this. However there are people who do not subject themselves to the standards of Christendom or Islam. This is the best scenario where not every individual shares the same ethics. Since this is a case where another person’s decision does not affect anyone outside of the homosexual relationship(s)
(with of course the exception of rape or underage encounter) it is in sharp contrast to the ethics we share as a society of not murdering, or stealing. Therefore I as a Christian no matter my opinions or views cannot impose my standard of right and wrong in this case, after all what goodness is actually found in forced goodness?
What position does this put the Christian Padre in if a member of the CF is violating this standard of Biblical ethics? I have to say no position at all. The person who is contravening the said ethical standard has perhaps not chosen to subject themselves to these rules. Unless the party confides in the Padre nothing can be said of the act in question. This choice they have made does not affect their duties.
With this being said it is crucial for the Padre to fully realise his or her role in the CF and to not interfere with the day to day operations required of a military. The exception being if an outside party has expressed concern for another members well being, and even this must be addressed with absolute confidence and the members best interest kept in mind. Knowing where the grey areas exist, and when to act as a uniformed chaplain vs. a non-uniformed chaplain is like knowing not to mix apples and oranges. So in other words, the professional must be kept separate from the personal in some cases.
``The chaplain’s job is not to be a unit’s cheerleader but to be

its conscience. Chaplains should be prepared to deliver ethical
training and provide ethical advice when asked. Paragraph 8 of this
chapter refers to the chaplain’s need to exercise a ministry of prophecy
in assisting the unit to attain the highest ethical standard``
- Chapter 2.45 of the CF Chaplaincy manual.

Military Chaplaincy.
The role of a Padre is not to make the troops “feel better” to make them better for war, but unfortunately war is a reality. Where there is war or peacekeeping there are people, and where there are people different beliefs come into play. Whether it be in a nursing home, or in a battlefield these people no matter where they are need their spiritual needs tended to.

In the case of a military people are away from their homes for long periods of time, and their families are also sharing in their own types of stress while a member is deployed.

Without specifying the belief system this creates a need for a padre overseas with the troops, as well as at home with their families.

Sometimes this need could be for someone to talk to about being away from home, or to provide comfort in the last moments of life. In other cases where disputes exist among groups the padre may need to mediate, or provide a way for people to solve their differences to promote a better workplace.

For instance a Private who has no authority may be having work related issues with a supervisor. Whether the supervisor is out of line or not a padre is someone who can step in as an impartial party to see what can be done about the situation, or refer the members to a dispute resolution counselor.

The trust between a member, and his/her family can only be obtained over time. This involves confidentiality with the exception of when there is a reasonable chance that the

counseled may pose a threat to others or to themselves, when there is
indication of the abuse of minors, and when ordered by a court of law.”
- CF Chaplaincy manual. (Chapter 2.11) The chaplain must advise the person seeking counsel what the limits are on the confidentiality. The chaplain is part of the unit leadership team. Chaplains work with other officers, senior

non-commissioned members, and the commanding officer to solve problems at the lowest level. A chaplain has the unique ability to discover personnel problems and help solve
them at the appropriate level of the chain of command. By being
proactive, the chaplain assists in building unit morale.”
- CF Chaplaincy manual (Chapter 2.27)
The job of a chaplain is very unique because they have privileged access to all members, and have no commanding authority. This allows for a special trust as long as the member allows for it.
The chaplains who work the closest to the troops are typically the ones who the troops will trust the most such as the Rev. P.M. O’Leary, VD, of the royal Canadian Regiment.
“When the troops were under fire he was everywhere: encouraging this one and praying for that one.” - CF Chaplaincy manual. Another role of a padre could be to liaise between the military and civillian groups. For instance it could be the duty of a padre to learn the customs of another country before a military moves into it so as to not offend anyone unnecessarily by means jokes or inappropriate t-shirts.
- “As a staff officer the chaplain functions as a specialist advisor

and has direct access to the commander. The chaplain is responsible
to the commander for planning and implementing religious support
programs and ministry activities within the commander’s area of
responsibility. The chaplain advises the commander and other staff on
matters of spirituality, ethics, morale, and religious accommodation.”
Also refer to Chapter 2.34 CF Chaplaincy manual. The chaplain is supposed to familiarize themselves with other religions whether the beliefs are shared or not. This is not only to avoid escalating a situation but to also interact with their peers and to work alongside with them.

Working with other beliefs.
Any unit in the CF is built on teamwork, and the chaplaincy is no exception. No matter what religion all CF chaplains share a common goal, and that is the well being of the troops.

The CF Chaplaincy manual chapter 2.24 puts it well, “…this is a multi-faith profession.”. While not sharing the beliefs of other chaplains a dependency exists in which different faiths rely on each other to achieve the goal in mind, much like the infantry depends on the work provided by the artillery and the combat engineers.
Personal beliefs and duty.
It is not the duty of the padre to convert people to his/her belief system, since the troops as a whole are not his/her “flock” in the way members of a church congregation are, since they voluntarily attend the said spiritual community, it is the duty of the padre to pray for their well being. To do otherwise would be spiritual malpractice. It is however the duty of a Christian (padre or not) to be “feasting” upon the word of God in accordance with Deuteronomy 6:6 - “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be upon your heart.” and 1 Peter 3:15 - “ …being ready to make a defence to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.”

A pastor must be available to the people trusting them, either through pastors or elders underneath them.
“Every soldier has the right to see a chaplain at any time. This is a fundamental right that chaplains must ensure is respected at every level of the chain of command. The leadership of a unit must be reminded of the dividend that is realized when soldiers know that this
resource (their chaplain) is available at any time.`` 

- CF Chaplaincy manual (Chapter 2.36.)
I will put Chapter 2.37 into my own words since it is a mandate every padre must clearly understand and not just be regurgitated.

Some people are outright cynical towards religion, so the personification of religion such as a padre would be detestable to them. They may have suffered a loss and they blame God the one whom you represent. You may be the last person they want to talk with. However your prayers will get through to them, and when the person does decide to confide in you be ready with ``gentleness and reverence.``

While living out the beliefs I stand for to the best of my ability, I must also live out to the best of my ability the rules of the military so as to not discredit the beliefs I stand for.

After all what I stand for as a Christian is my first objective, and this can only be done by living out a life of integrity and fitting in with the people I wish to work with.

So many more things are left to be explained in much further detail, much of which I am not qualified to get fully into without taking the Phase training of a military chaplain.

However I hope this essay gives insight into my beliefs; knowledge and the intended application of them both. I look forward to contributing them to serving the well being of the Canadian Forces at home and abroad.



The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have various classes in Christianity, one on Wicca, along with several Pagan courses, more than a few courses about Metaphysics with more being added regularly.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, legal and lasts for life, so please take advantage of our Free Online Ordination.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and am proud to have started the Seminary.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Master in Chaplaincy Lesson 6
I spoke to a Chaplain from one of the small rural departments in my area. He has been working with both the fire and police department since the area is so small and up till they found him, had no Chaplain. Before him coming on board, they would actually have to bring one in from a major city for help when someone was hurt or was killed. He said that it was hard for him due to resources that were available working in a small department, but it was very rewarding that he could help his local community. He was trained in CPR and CISM and was starting a disaster course as well as completing FEMA training. He said they best part of being a Chaplain was that he was there for someone to lean on when they need help or just wanted to talk. He enjoined his job and said he would continue to be a Chaplain for as long as he could and they wanted him.

Martin. A


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have various classes in Christianity, one on Wicca, along with several Pagan courses, more than a few courses about Metaphysics with more being added regularly.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, legal and lasts for life, so please take advantage of our Free Online Ordination.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and am proud to have started the Seminary.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chaplaincy Program

     Lesson 1 is a good introduction to chaplaincy. I have been investigating this ministry for a while and have learned a lot about the chaplain and various duties. Military,Police, Fire, and Emergency Service are most often known. Other needs like prison, hospital, hospice, or street and homeless outreach  are just as important. As a minister I choose to minister to the forgotten people in our society. I am already a certified chaplain but feel I can benefit from  additional training, especially in interfaith situations, since I am a Christian Chaplain. I grew up very poor and have seen suffering on many levels and can  understand the need for someone to talk to, be with in stressful situations, or just share a kind word. It really is amazing to see just how invisible people  are when they have no money, are living on the streets homeless, and hungry. I choose to serve for His Glory, not my own.

     I see there is fascinating history of chaplaincy going back far. If I had not read this lesson, I still would have thought the tradition would be  an old one.

L W Doss

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity two courses in , Wicca, several in  Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.
As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.
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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chaplaincy Studies

Lesson 5
Having dealt with both Hospital and Nursing Home Chaplaincy, I can say that it can be very touching and heartbreaking at times and absolute enjoyment at others. One of the toughest times that I have had was dealing with dying children, however I had to be strong for them so that they could feel comfort and hope, as well as the willing to live. On the other hand it always brought a big smile to my face to see them doing better and the fact they are waiting for me to make them laugh and bring some candy along.

In the nursing home setting I really enjoy, because many time they are looking for that human touch and someone to talk to them. I am sure it's not a surprise that many nursing homes are filled with people who's family members don't want to deal with their long term care. I tell you have had some great times with those in nursing homes. They are so much need to have someone to talk to and like the study material said a touch from another person along with a pray can bring so much aid to them, both physically and mentally. Chaplains should move away from preaching to people and move toward showing Gods heavenly love and compassion to all people.

Martin A

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity two courses in , Wicca, several in  Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.
As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.
Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Master of Chaplaincy Lesson 4

If you know a military chaplain in the military, interview them and discover what the military chaplaincy is like. If not, do some additional research on your denomination in the military chaplaincy.

Being former military have met many chaplains and working with the family programs exposed me to many things that  Chaplains do. The Lesson spoke of suicide prevention training. The unfortunate issues that military is facing now during this conflict is a high rise of suicide and PTSD, which is an aid to suicide. The chaplains are taking on a great role in trying to prevent suicide. Unlike the Vietnam conflict and others the government has increased its role in preventing suicide of members who are dealing with mental issues caused by being in combat. Chaplains today are on the frontline of this as well as being there for moral support to families who are dealing with issues while the service member is on deployment. Chaplains take the role of humanitarian, spiritual advisor and counselor.  I knew when I had a major issue while in the military I could always call my chaplain for help.

Martin A


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have various classes in Christianity, one on Wicca, along with several Pagan courses, more than a few courses about Metaphysics with more being added regularly.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, legal and lasts for life, so please take advantage of our Free Online Ordination.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and am proud to have started the Seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar


It may be a surprise to some that I very little experience with chaplains.  For 6 years that I was in the US Navy as a flight crew member I never saw a Chaplain.  This includes Vietnam.  They always seem to hang out with the flight officer, but never saw the enlisted.  This maybe because that the war didn't attract many into the military chaplains.  After 6 years in and 3000 flight hours, there were times in which I could have used one.

I am current a Chaplain in the American Legion.  Opening and closing meeting with a prayer, doing military funerals, and counseling veterans in PTSD .  I am taking it very seriously. 

I have seen them working with the Fire and Police departments, but my belief is that I have to go where God is leading me.  (I hope its first responders)

By Rev. Arthur Strauss


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Monday, January 3, 2011


Lesson 3
I.              Do a self-evaluation of your present skills. Write a short summary of your strengths and weaknesses. Write a short plan of how you will seek to improve.

Honesty: Is a major role of my daily life. I am very honest with people and have the ability for people to listen to what I have to say.

Trustworthy: People can be assured, that when they speak to me concerning any issue they may have it will stay with me and their business will not be shared with anyone else.

Faith: I believe in the word and I believe that the key to many answers to daily life are answered in the scripture. I don't mind sharing that with others and I feel it is my duty to do so, because of my beliefs and faith in Christ.

Good Listener: I have learned that many times its best to listen and to let a person vent and later if wanted answer questions. The listen is right one needs to be a good listener. From experience that alone can be a great relief to one in need.

I have one weakness that I know and was clearly exposed to me when I had to take CISM training, which is sensitivity. Being ex-military I lost much of that, but I have been taking classes to do better in that weakness. I can't just say suck it up and keep going. By taking classes I have learned that way of thinking cannot be applied to the ministry. I will continue to take classes on the subject.

II.             Research your religion's {or denomination} qualifications for the chaplaincy. Write your results.

In my faith group we have to be trained to become a Chaplain, as well as ordained. I understand that training is required and it will also make you better in your field of ministry. Limitation can exist without training and understanding the scripture.

Martin A


To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link.

Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.