Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lesson 10 ~ Chaplaincy Studies

Chaplaincy Studies

Lesson 10 ~ The Listener ~ The Healing Touch Essay

By:  Rev. Trent


Develop a personal policy on what you believe appropriate touch is.

Policy ~ Appropriate Touch


Office Visitations

The office door is to remain open if a female is being counseled.  The office staff is sworn to secrecy at the time of employment, meaning if anything is overheard…nothing is to be repeated.  The open door is for the protection of the clergy.  A holding of hands may appropriate for consoling, a light touch as in prayer may be done.  In the case of male or females seeking counseling the minister must evaluate the situation and let his conscience be his guide.  Be careful what you may portray as being within your appropriate boundaries…others may perceive as inappropriate touching.  Refrain from "hugging".

Hospital/Home Visitations

Usually in these instances there will be other family members present.  If the person you are visiting requests a private session with you, once again be careful.  You may sit on a chair at the bedside, never on the bed.  You may hold the hand.  If Absolution, Last Rites or Rites of Passage are to be administered ask one of the family members to come  into the room with you.  This is appropriate for verification to the rest of the family as being completed.  If more than one family member wishes to be present it is okay.  However, Absolution and Last Confessions are to remain private between clergy and the person. 

Social Gatherings

You must remain professional, even out of your collar.  Handshaking is most appropriate.  A slight pat on the shoulder or back as in "well done" may be appropriate.  The length of the "touch" must be monitored by that little voice inside that may say "ok now move your hand away".  You must be aware not only of your actions but others that may be watching you and what they might perceive as "inappropriate touching". 


Touching is a very sensitive area.  Remember most guidelines and of course that little voice inside of you is your best monitor.  If you are uncomfortable or you feel the person is uncomfortable with your "touch" then STOP or DON'T START.

Go In Peace

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