Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Master of Chaplaincy Studies Lesson 10

This is my personal policy on touch in ministry:
1. Whether the counselee has come to you, or you are approaching them, be respectful of personal space and physical boundaries.

2. NEVER touch someone else inappropriately or unexpectedly except in emergencies. You may offer to touch or invite others to touch, such as by extending your hand or arm, but never actually initiate the physical touching. Instead allow the person to choose whether or not they will meet you in touch.

3. If someone expresses discomfort from touch, stop the touching.

4. Always ask if it's okay to hold hands or hug or shake hands. Better safe than sorry.  Most people, I find, will not mind and will have a lot of respect for you since you actually asked.

5. Always offer to touch the person for prayer and healing.

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