Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lesson 7 ~ The Chapel ~ Where One Ministers ~ Part 4

Chaplaincy Studies

Lesson 7 – The Chapel – Where One Ministers ~ Part 4

Business and Community. ~ Essay

By: Rev Trent Murman


If you know a chaplain at work, with sports, at a college, or in the community, take time to interview them and find out more of their ministry.

My chaplain friend has a very interesting ministry, not only his service to the US Navy and Marine Corps but also in the nonmilitary community which he is involved in now.  Many aspects like in the military are very challenging and most rewarding in his everyday dealings with clients.  He counsels a boys and girls league mostly of teens regarding difficulty with their parents or guardians, which brings up the confidentiality aspect these kids have with him and having their trust in him that they may come and talk with him about anything means a great deal to them and himself.  Interestingly enough he has found out over the years that if he does not wear his "collar" the teens seem to approach him more freely and tend not to see him as a parental/adult figure and are more likely to open up with their problems and concerns.  I will not reiterate the other aspects of his ministry that I have already talked about in the previous lessons, they are there in the previous lesson essays.   


Look for a place in your community that could use a chaplain. Develop a plan that you might implement if you feel called to begin a chaplaincy ministry there.

1.      Mission statement:  I solemnly promise to live my life in service of humanity. I will, to the best of my ability, uphold and promote the honor and dignity of my profession. I will strive to conduct myself so that I may merit the respect and confidence of my colleagues and hereby agree to these standards of the Chaplains Fellowship of Nigeria. I will accept my civic as will as Christian responsibility to practice the charity I owe those I come in contact with. I will make Honesty my goal in service, in counseling and in seeking knowledge through diligent effective prayer. These things I pledge to do, freely and upon my honor to the glory of Almighty God. I understand that my preparation for Chaplaincy work requires my personal commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and separation from sin. I further realized that sins such as stealing, lying, gossiping, backbiting, profane language, drunkenness, sexual immorality, occult practices, cheating and attitude such as pride, lust, bitterness, harmful discrimination, jealous and unforgiving spirit which are to be avoided.  SO HELP ME GOD.  The Chaplain's Pledge.

2.     Marketing Plan ~ groups we plan to target ~ persons of all ages

3.      Operations ~ expectations for growth or congregation ~ no one shall be excluded from the ministry

4.     Capital Requirements ~ staff will be by volunteers only

5.     Who is the sole representative of this venture ~ The Chaplain, all volunteers would work under him

6.     Expectations over the next 12 months ~ all persons are welcome, no pressure will be used to gain in number of followers or participants

7.     Short background of the sole representative ~ The Chaplain shall meet and maintain the requirements of all chaplains.

8.     Expansion expectations ~ growth in followers will be as the community reaches out to the religious community.

9.     Will there be a physical chapel or only onsite ministry? ~ As the followers increase in numbers there may be a need for a physical location.  Funds for this location would be raised from within the community because these are the persons who would be using the facility.

10.  Non-profit or for profit endeavor ~ This endeavor would continue to be a non-profit organization to spread the work and word of God to everyone.

11.  Expected competition ~ Our competition might be from religious after school sanctioned programs, the daycare facilities and community park run programs, not limited to these institutions.

12.  Reputation ~ A good reputation will be maintained in alliance with The Chaplain's Pledge.

13.  SWOT ~ Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats? ~ SWOT would be determined during the first 12 months and specific areas will be targeted for improvement after that time period.

14.  Target Group that might benefit from Chaplain services may be in conjunction with Parks and Recreation programs which may also be the biggest competition.  
Go In Peace

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