Thursday, August 20, 2020

Lesson-15-Worship Matters

Sacred Space- Since you can't always easily travel to sacred spaces outside the home, I will develop a physical area in my home which will create a feeling of connection and serenity. My sacred space should be designed to inspire anyone entering in some way and allow them to self reflect about what they need to accomplish. So I set the mood with worship music and the aroma of essential oils that would immediately cause them to reflect on the Lord and go into a spirit of worship. I would have already satuated this sacred space with prayer. I have a bible sitting on the table with pen and paper. As they enter into my kitchen without distractions its like a mini- sanctuary which I pause and reflect daily by the window in this sacred space watching the beautiful sky and 🌳.I would feel the calming of my mind and the relaxing feeling that comes while here in my sacred space that is part of the integral of healing in my body when I might be feeling sick. Which makes my , body and spirit stronger which has caused me to be better mentally and physically in health. The mere fact that I created an altar can be helpful and comforting to know that people have a place to go to meditate and be healed and receive strength and hope in their daily walk.-------------------------.       Marriage Policy-2- Marriage is a holy covenant, a solemn agreement made by a man and a woman with each other and with God. This covenant is not something to enter without considering how it is defined by God, who created marriage. Because of these truths, we make the following requests of couples who want either to be married at________________ church or by a Pastor of_________________ church. We believe they will help you understand and enjoy the fullest benefits of the marriage covenant. Complete our church's instructions for Weddings document, and review it in detail in a meeting with the Wedding Coordinator as soon as possible. Attend a minimum of six counseling sessions with the pastor, to begin no less than 4 months prior to your wedding date. As part of these sessions you will be asked to read at least one book and complete weekly assignments. The purpose is to ensure that you learn God's plan for marriage. In planning your wedding ceremony, keep in mind that it will be conducted in a Christian setting, which will include prayer, scripture reading, and a great deal of reference to God's plan for marriage. Musical selections, vows,  poetry, dress and behavior are to be consistent with the truths about marriage outlined in the counseling sessions. Attend worship services together in this church( or your own church, if you currently attend one) at least twice a month between the date below and the wedding. The purposes for this include the following basic facts about the importance of the church: Worshipping God, fellowshipping with believers, and learning God's Word are indispensable to a truly happy life, especially in our homes and families; God, in His Word, clearly commands us to gather frequently with believers to worship Him and to be encouraged to obey Him( see Hebrews 10:24-25); and, Statistics compiled from many studies unanimously indicate that families who worship together consistently throughout their family life are less likely to experience divorce. If you have been sexually active with each other, we will expect you to refrain from sexual intercourse until the wedding. The ability to control your sexual desire is vital to a successful marriage.  if you don't govern your sexual desire before marriage, it is unlikely that you will be able to do so afterwards. Sexual purity until marriage is an investment in a fulfilled life together. The divorce rate for those who are sexually active prior to marriage is much higher than for those who refrain from sex until marriage. If you have already had intercourse with each other, now is a good time to begin exercising self- restraint and invest in your future. If you have been living together, we will expect you to change or adjust your living arrangements until the wedding. God's plan- to stay sexually pure and live apart from each other until marriage- is more successful than the way society sees it. If you want God's blessing on your marriage, we will ask you to enter the marriage covenant God's way.                 We have read this document and as an investment in the future happiness of our marriage, agree to abide by its terms.__________________Groom______________________Bride____________________________Pastor

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