Monday, May 14, 2018

lesson 7

In most universities they have chaplains of various faiths who work together to serve the spiritual needs of the students, faculty, staff and all those who are part of the campus community. To students who many are away from family friends and their spiritual community at home to the faculty and staff who work long hours spending a great deal of time on the campus away from home. In both these cases it is difficult for them to keep close ties with the the ministers and congregation they may be affiliated with.

Chaplains provide practical care in a number of ways

which may include:

enabling individuals to understand their spiritual concerns;

providing personal advice and counsel;

providing services to overseas students who are dealing with the dislocation and adjustments of living and studying in a foreign culture;

diversifying social contact especially for overseas students and others living away from home;

providing support for those adjusting to life in the residential colleges;

creating opportunities for students and staff to meet across faculty and cultural barriers;

providing support for co-religionists in relating tertiary study and faith;

including alumni in various activities; promoting the sense of community within the institution as a whole;

advocacy where appropriate;

engaging the broader University, for example on issues relating to ethics or social

I live on a houseboat in a marina and i've found that my marina. I've thought about a plan to make that change and it is as followed:  

speaking with the owners about the benefits of an on site chaplain like blessing of boats, spiritual council and services, holidays and general celebrations held and how they can market this to their list of services offered when obtaining a well in their marina.

Rev, J.P. Welch

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